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Adirondack Diversity Solutions LLC works with organizations to create and execute initiatives that share the organization's vision, supports its mission and lives its values through forward-leaning innovations that materialize the social and economic benefits of a diversified workforce and client base.

Exclusive Services

Businesswoman in Office

Coaching & Mentoring

HR Coaching 
Executive Coaching 
Board Coaching 

Colleagues Working Together

Policy & Procedure Evaluations

Custimized curricula for HR and leadership teams

Local Business Manager

DEI Strategic Planning 

Interested in expanding the reach of your mission, reaching new markets, or revisiting how your business or organization is positioned to succeed against shifting demographics?

Our Approach

Review & Conceptualization

The goal of this review is two-fold. First, to gain a better understanding of vision, missions, values, and goals across time by reviewing past and present strategic plans and special initiatives. Second, to gain a better understanding of past and present outcomes and deliverables derived from past and present efforts (i.e. being able to answer the question, “where are you,” from an organizational standpoint).

Engagement & Commitment

Determine and develop a committee structure tasked to work alongside consultants, in addition to determining those within the organization that are responsible/accountable. Determine stakeholders (internal and external audiences) and associated interests and goals. Discuss stakeholder satisfaction/evaluation of past and present efforts. (Possible challenges experienced in implementation, possible organizational shortcomings, lessons learned, committee structure, etc.) Determine avenues for engagement/outreach, feedback, and evaluation.

Purpose & Goal Setting

Discuss stakeholder vision and goals for future strategic planning (opportunities, current trends, and desired outcomes; the organization's “wish list,” and from there, prioritize those goals). Deliberate and determine a series of goals/deliverables that speak to the mission and vision of the organization, while also controlling for feasibility within the current political, economic, and organizational climate.

Implementation & Monitoring

Develop a timeline of activity that establishes benchmarks for progress and develop a reporting schedule. Create a meeting schedule with committee members to share progress, opportunities for modifications, and challenges. Create avenues for modifications based upon changes in organizational dynamics, externalities, and feedback. Establish an overall strategy for all identified goals with defined tasks and schedules.

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